Sorry but that word just completely fitted your new upload :).
Major impressive job again, sadly I havent put my fingers on Mirrors Edge yet (altrough I am fully aware if its existence) so I cannot judge the music but that it fits with what I have seen from the game, it should work out ;p. They rather dont know that you fixed this otherwise they have to recall the game worldwide to get this track in ;p.
Anyways, on topic. A few suprizes which you implanted in this one. You know what I mean and yes we keep it our secret but you should be proud, it worked out great AND you should do that more often, its a great added value to the overal tone of the song.
As usual, cristal clear guitars, nice strings (which is my fave vsti by now ;p) and for sure just the typical NT sound.
Keep up the creativity but heej, if you don't it just gives me a reason to haunt and stalk you again until you get back on track!
Till I finished fallout... then I will be back with FRESH creativity ;).
A creative huggle!